• Previous exhibition

    The indestructible beauty of Montgrí

    Photographs by Josep Pascual

The indestructible beauty of Montgrí

Photographs by Josep Pascual

Josep Pascual Massaguer

“We just have to look north and hear the north wind whispering in our ears: boats and fishermen, beaches and sands, clouds and fog, wheat and poncelles, sunflowers and flowering almond trees, butterflies and snails, rocks and waves, moons and lighthouses… Fugitive, fleeting and moving moments… Placid, enduring and inspiring environments… And on the horizon a camera, a man and the immensity of a nature that transforms every day. ” Fragment presentation Jordi Mas. Photographer and curator of the exhibition

Until 6 April 2015

The indestructible beauty of Montgrí. Photographs by Josep Pascual

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